One of the super heroes in our family, my sister-in-law, Ezi, agreed to share her insights on how she is using her mental fitness to cope and thrive in the #newnormal. Her key message is "don't obsess about coronavirus, it's important but we can come through this" . Here are a few highlights from the discussion:
Beware of social media overload
Being bombarded with information, both the good, the bad and the ugly
There is no filter on information to check its validity, hence a lot of misinformation out there
Try to take steps to protect your mindset and not get overwhelmed
Working on your mental fitness is important to maintaining your mental health
How she has become an expert in donning & doffing protective equipment (PPE)
Adapting to uncertainty
There is light at the end of the tunnel, this won't go on forever
Please comment, like and share with others, NEXT VIDEO WILL BE RELEASED ON MONDAY!