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After a week of intense work which included getting tear gassed, having rubber bullets shot at me by U.S. federal agents and having protesters accuse me of not caring for the cause, then seeing I was non-white and then taking back her insult -- as well as various deadlines I had to make -- I decided to take myself on a self-imposed, quick getaway to Ojai, California.
Located about 1-1.5 hours Northwest of LA, it's a small, sleepy, spiritual village where one goes to go into themself. It's long been a retreat for artists, writers and city folk who just needed a breather. I decided at 1am Tuesday morning to go. At 8am, when I woke up, I thought, "no, I can't afford the time and money" but when I tried to cancel my Air B&B, I couldn't... so here I am.
And thank goodness for that.
The subconscious knows what your soul needs but the daily noise of life drowns out what it's whispering to us. Now I'm here, surrounded by total serenity and I thank my subconscious for working in automatic and booking my mental oasis away from the clutter of city life.