I was honoured to have Betsy Vincent share her insights and give us a different perspective on the pandemic and lockdown. Betsy is the mum of a close friend of mine and she is a 71 year old American who's been living in the UK for the last 35+ years. She is still working and keeping active and after our talk my brain was buzzing with ideas for several hours. I hope you find the talk useful.
Here are some key takeaways:
We are facing the "big reveal", all the inequalities, vulnerabilities and flaws in society will be revealed
On the flip-side, the special light we all have inside will have a chance to flourish
This is an opportunity to embrace a transition to a new normal
We should ask ourselves whether the old normal is actually worth going back to
Stop stigmatising the older generation as just a liability
Older generation still have a lot of wisdom to offer
Chance to build a greater sense of community
We are more resilient than we know
Think about what Nelson Mandela was able to achieve from enforced lockdown
Don't fight the reality; accept this as another of life's experiences
Every moment is precious, cherish it.
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Next video is coming out on Friday, stay tuned!!!
Wishing everyone a productive week, stay strong.