I promised on our last webinar, that I would be sharing resources with the group, so here it is. I came across this mental fitness toolkit from a company called Shine. I have found it very useful and intend to continue using it.
Here are some of the key highlights:
Great articles on dealing with anxiety.
A section where you ask experts for tips on maintaining your mental fitness.
I know Sharon raised the point about the financial worries caused by the lockdown, they have articles on this.
Dealing with the isolation.
Free guided meditation for stress, anxiety and better sleep.
The section 'take a break' is very cool. They have nature breaks on there where you take in waterfalls, a colouring book, yoga classes and many more fun things.
Another good resource is the program, '21 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing in 21 Days'. I had the creator, Dan Haesler, on my 'Thriving in the #newnormal' talk series to share his program, which uses positive psychology to improve your wellbeing. What I love about the program is how Dan has made it easy and accessible to take action each day to improve your wellbeing. I promise that you will find it helpful.
Link to blog post: Dan Haesler video chat
Link to his 21 ways in 21 days program
I have posted these links on the resource page within the mental fitness Google drive that I have set up for our group, which you can access via this link: Mental Fitness Resource
Also, please sign up as members on my Website, I'm going to create a forum so we can share resources and discuss in between our calls.
Keeping with our theme, let's become great prisoners.
